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Humdinger Mini Kit E2X

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Sales price $20.99
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Sales price without tax $19.99
Tax amount $1.00
Total Tax: $1.00
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Who says fun doesn’t come in small packages! Awseome build for the weekends. The Humdinger, a mini engine powered rocket, can fly up to 1,100 feet and is only .54 inches in diameter. Now, that is FUN in a small package!

WHAT YOU NEED TO BUILD: Scissors, pencil, ruler, fine sandpaper, carpenter’s glue, plastic cement, hobby knife, and masking tape. (Tools, construction and finishing supplies not included.)

WHAT YOU NEED TO LAUNCH (sold separately): Estes Porta-Pad II Launch Pad with a 1/8 inch launch rod and Electron Beam Launch Controller, Estes model rocket engines, starters and recovery wadding. Four 1.5V high quality AA alkaline batteries are also required for launch controller (not included).

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