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Associated Electrics 1/32 NanoSport 2WD RTR

No image set
Sales price $83.99
gross price plus delivery
Sales price without tax $79.99
Tax amount $4.00
Total Tax: $4.00
out of stock
Beginner to Advanced Players Can Play Soccer, Hockey and Other Sports,
Bash Into Their Opponents,
and Battle for Possession of the Ball or Puck





Drive: 2 wheel
Radios: 2.4GHz with dual rate throttle for speed management, and
built-in chargers for each cars batteries
Bodies: Trimmed and painted




Two each, Team Associated NanoSport Rechargeable Cars, Transmitters
Balls and Pucks
Eight AA batteries




Scale: 132
Length: 7 (177.5mm)
Width: 3.31 (84mm)
Weight: 2.88oz (84g)
Wheelbase: 2.98 (75.75mm)

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